SCENE C++ API  2.1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CLSAppContextInterface to general information and functionality of the application environment
 CLSAttributeStorage class which may contain different common data types
 CLSAttributeContainerA general information container class which can contain attributes of different type
 CLSBinaryReaderAbstract interface for reading binary data
 CLSCameraRepresentation of a camera object within SCENE
 CLSErrorAn error is caused when the API unexpectedly fails to function properly
 CLSEventThe base class for all API events
 CLSFrameEventA special type of sensor event for frame-specific data
 CLSFutureTaskA task object representing an asynchronous operation
 CLSGenericBinaryObjectInterface to create and read generic binary objects
 CLSInterfaceActs as a base class for all classes which act as an interface to an internal implementation
 CLSIteratorA general iterator interface for arbitrary collections
 CLSKeyEventEvents which indicate that a keystroke occurred in a view
 CLSLayoutPlanInterface to access information and functionality of layout plans
 CLSLocalWorkspaceInterface to access information and functionality of local workspaces
 CLSLoginSettingsContainer collecting settings for logging in on a server, in particular a WebShare Cloud server for uploading (or downloading) WebShare data
 CLSMouseEventEvents which indicate that some mouse action occurred in a view
 CLSMouseWheelEventRepresent events triggered by a mouse wheel
 CLSObjectInformation container which can be used to build up a hierarchical tree structure of container elements
 CLSOverlay3DRepresents an overlay of a 3D-view
 CLSPodHelper class to manage the conversion of different data structures to POD (Plain Old Data) format so that they can safely be passed over the dll boundary
 CLSPointCloudInterface class to access information and functionality of project point clouds
 CLSPointCloudRendererInterface class to perform rendering of a point cloud
 CLSPointDataSourceInterface for the import of unstructured point cloud data
 CLSPointSelectionInterface class to access information and functionality of spatial point selections
 CLSPointSphericalRGBThe LSPointSphericalRGB is the representation of a scan point with polar double coordinates and 24bit RGB color
 CLSPointXYZFRGBARepresentation of a scan point with XYZ float coordinates and 32bit RGBA color
 CLSPointXYZIRepresentation of a scan point with XYZ double coordinates and an float intensity value
 CLSPointXYZNRepresentation of a scan point with XYZ double coordinates and XYZ float components of the normal vector
 CLSPointXYZRGBRepresentation of a scan point with XYZ double coordinates and 24bit RGB color
 CLSPointXYZRGBNThe LSPointXYZRGBN is the representation of a scan point with XYZ double coordinates, 24Bit RGB color and XYZ float components of the normal vector
 CLSProcessSettingsInterface to read and write settings for processing
 CLSProjectInterface to access information and functionality of SCENE projects
 CLSProjectMetadataInterface to access metadata of FARO project formats
 CLSRefTypeBase class for all API class which support automatic memory management through reference counting
 CLSRenderable3DThe LSRenderable3D interface defines the basic interface of objects which can be rendered in a view
 CLSRenderStatisticsThe LSRenderStatistics structure provides information about a rendered frame
 CLSResultResult class containing different result codes for API methods
 CLSScanInterface to access information and functionality of scans
 CLSScanIteratorA specialized iterator which may be run on organized scans and additionally provides access to the row and column of the current scan point
 CLSScannerThe general interface to connect and communicate with a FARO Focus laser scanner
 CLSSceneContextThe application interface which provides plugin apps with access to the hosting SCENE instance
 CLSSceneNode3DNode in the scene graph of a 3D-view
 CLSSensorThe general interface to connect and communicate with a FARO sensor devices
 CButtonInfoButton info containing hardware button and event
 CLSSensorEventAn event that is caused by a sensor and can contain extra data
 CLSSignalGeneral signal interface which provides functionality to connect arbitrary function handlers to a specific signal
 CLSSignalBaseBase class for all signals
 CLSSphereVolumeRepresentation of a sphere with XYZ a center and a radius
 CLSSphericalIteratorA specialized iterator which may be run on organized scans and additionally provides access to the row and column of the current scan point
 CLSStandaloneConfigConfiguration for complete Standalone Context configuration allows chaining e.g
 CLSStandaloneContextContext class for standalone apps
 CLSStringString implementation for unicode character strings
 CLSTaskWhich represents a generic function object
 CLSTrackableBase class for all classes which connect member functions to LSSignal instances
 CLSViewThe general view interface which provides functionality common to all view types
 CLSView3dThe view interface which provides functionality specific to 3D views
 CLSView3dSettingsContainer collecting settings for the LSView3d class
 CLSViewEventEvents associated to a specific viewer
 CLSVolumeDefinitionLSVolumeDefinition is the base class for user-defined volumes
 CLSWebShareProvides interfaces related to WebShare
 CLSWebShareSettingsContainer collecting settings for the WebShare Cloud data export
 CLSWorkspaceProvides general access to all SCENE workspace types
 CLSWorkspaceEventEvents associated to a specific workspace
 Cref_ptrProvides a lifetime managing pointer for all LSRefType derived classes